Protecting Your Home from Moisture Damage

The Hidden Hazards of Faulty Roof Ventilation: Protecting Your Home from Moisture Damage

During one of our recent roofing projects, we had the opportunity to assist a lovely lady who was unaware of a hidden issue on her roof for quite some time. The poor ventilation in her attic had caused condensation to accumulate, leading to the growth of mold and rot on the plywood. The moldy scent was noticeable as soon as we entered her home, but identifying the exact source was challenging.
This incident highlighted the importance of regular roof inspections. Mold can be toxic and pose serious health risks, ranging from respiratory problems to even cancer. To address the issue, we had to replace 30 rotten and moldy boards as part of the overall roof replacement process.

Unfortunately, many homeowners only become aware of such problems when it’s too late. Insurance companies often consider this type of damage as negligence on the homeowner’s part, resulting in them not covering the cost of replacing the damaged plywood. In this case, the lady will have to bear the expenses herself.

It is crucial for homeowners to prioritize proper ventilation and consult professionals to ensure their roofs are in good condition. This proactive approach can prevent future health hazards and save you from costly repairs down the line.

Remember, it is always recommended to consult with an expert to assess your specific situation and provide tailored advice. 

How to Address Prevent and Fix Leaking Roof

A leaking roof can be a homeowner’s nightmare. Not only does it compromise the structural integrity of your home, but it can also lead to costly damages if left unattended. In this blog post, we will discuss some effective solutions for fixing a leaky roof and offer valuable tips on preventing water intrusion in the first place.

1. Identify the Source of the Leak:Before you can fix a leaky roof, it’s crucial to determine the exact source of the problem. Water stains on the ceiling or walls can help you identify the general area, but you’ll need to inspect the roof surface and attic for a more accurate assessment. Look for damaged or missing shingles, cracked flashing, or any other signs of wear and tear.
2. Temporary Fixes:If you notice a leak during a heavy rainstorm, it’s essential to take immediate action to minimize further damage. Using roofing tar or a sealant, temporarily patch up the affected area to stop the water from seeping in. However, keep in mind that these fixes are temporary and should be followed up with permanent repairs.
3. Repair Damaged Shingles:One of the most common causes of a leaky roof is damaged or missing shingles. If you identify any compromised shingles, replace them promptly. Secure new shingles with roofing nails and seal the edges with roofing cement to create a watertight barrier. Regularly inspect your roof and address any shingle issues to prevent future leaks.
4. Fix Flashing Problems:Flashing, which is installed around chimneys, vents, and skylights, is designed to prevent water from infiltrating these vulnerable areas. Over time, flashing can become loose or develop cracks, leading to leaks. Inspect the flashing for any signs of damage and repair or replace it if necessary. Properly installed and maintained flashing is crucial for keeping your roof leak-free.
5. Clear Gutters and Downspouts:Clogged gutters and downspouts can contribute to roof leaks by causing water to back up and overflow onto the roof’s surface. Regularly clean out debris from gutters and ensure that downspouts are effectively directing water away from your home’s foundation. This simple maintenance task can go a long way in preventing water intrusion.
6. Consider Waterproof Coatings:Applying a waterproof coating to your roof can provide an added layer of protection against leaks. These coatings act as a barrier, preventing water from seeping through cracks or damaged areas. Consult with a professional roofing contractor to determine the most suitable coating for your roof type and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper application.
7. Regular Roof Inspections:To spot and address potential issues before they become major problems, schedule regular roof inspections. A professional inspector will identify any vulnerabilities or signs of wear and tear that could lead to leaks. By being proactive, you can save yourself the hassle and expenses associated with extensive roof repairs.

A leaky roof is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention. Whether you opt for temporary fixes or conduct permanent repairs, it’s essential to address the problem promptly to prevent further damage to your home. Additionally, implementing preventative measures such as regular inspections and proper maintenance can help you avoid future leak-related headaches. Remember, when it comes to your roof, investing in quality repairs and proactive care is always worth it in the long run.

The Ultimate Guide to Finding a Top-Notch Roofing Contractor

Finding a reliable and trustworthy roofing contractor can be a daunting task. However, with the right approach and knowledge, you can ensure that your roof is in good hands. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through some essential tips and tricks that will help you find the perfect roofing contractor for your needs.

1. Research and Gather Recommendations:Start by conducting thorough research on local roofing contractors. Look for online reviews, testimonials, and ratings to get an idea of their reputation. Additionally, reach out to friends, family, and neighbors who have recently had their roofs repaired or replaced. Their firsthand experiences and recommendations can be invaluable in your search.
2. Verify Their Credentials:Once you have a list of potential contractors, it’s crucial to verify their credentials. Check if they are licensed and insured, as this ensures they meet the necessary legal requirements and will be accountable for any damages or accidents that may occur during the project.
3. Experience Matters:When it comes to roofing contractors, experience is key. Look for contractors who have been in the industry for a significant period, as it demonstrates their expertise and ability to handle various roofing issues. Experienced contractors will also have a robust portfolio with successful projects in their repertoire.
4. Request Detailed Estimates:Always request detailed estimates from multiple contractors before making a decision. This will help you compare prices, materials, and timeline proposals. Be wary of contractors who provide significantly lower bids, as they may compromise the quality of materials or craftsmanship.
5. Communication and Customer Service:Open and clear communication is essential throughout the entire roofing project. Prioritize contractors who are prompt, responsive, and willing to address any concerns or queries that you may have. A reliable roofing contractor should be transparent about the project’s progress and keep you informed every step of the way.
6. Warranty and After-Sales Support:A reputable roofing contractor should provide a warranty on both materials and workmanship. This not only instills confidence in their services but also ensures that you are protected in case any issues arise after the project’s completion. Additionally, inquire about their after-sales support and whether they offer any maintenance or repair services.
7. Check for Proper Insurance Coverage:Before finalizing any contract, ensure that the contractor has adequate insurance coverage. This includes liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. These insurances protect you from any liabilities in case of accidents or property damage during the project.

Finding a reliable roofing contractor can seem overwhelming, but by following these essential tips, you can make an informed decision. Remember to conduct thorough research, verify credentials, prioritize experience, and prioritize effective communication. With these steps in mind, you’ll be well on your way to finding a top-notch roofing contractor who will deliver exceptional results for your roof.

Policy coverage (RCV)|(ACV)

Before filing an insurance claim, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your policy coverage. Let’s say your roof has been damaged by a recent storm. The type of policy you have will determine the reimbursement you receive.

If you have a Replacement Cost Value (RCV) policy, you can expect to be fully reimbursed for the cost of replacing your roof with new items. This means that the insurance company will cover the expenses without considering depreciation.

On the other hand, an Actual Cash Value (ACV) policy factors in depreciation when reimbursing you for a covered loss. Depreciation refers to the decrease in value of an item over time. Therefore, with an ACV policy, you’ll receive the reimbursement amount minus the depreciation.

To avoid any surprises or unexpected out-of-pocket expenses, it’s crucial to contact your insurance agent and inquire about the specifics of your policy coverage before filing a claim. By doing so, you’ll gain a clear understanding of whether you have an RCV or ACV policy and can adequately prepare yourself.

Furthermore, discussing your policy with your agent can help you comprehend any limitations, exclusions, or deductibles that may apply to your coverage. This knowledge allows you to make informed decisions when filing a claim and ensures that you’re fully aware of the financial implications involved.

Ultimately, understanding the distinction between RCV and ACV policies and being knowledgeable about your specific policy coverage is vital. It helps set realistic expectations and empowers you to navigate insurance claims more effectively.

Why Hiring A Roof Inspector Is Crucial When Buying A House

Recently, I had a client who contacted me about a damaged roof. Her insurance company was refusing to approve a roof replacement because there was a pre-existing issue that hadn’t been repaired. Before purchasing the property, she had a roofing contractor inspect the roof, but little did she know that the contractor was working in collaboration with the seller. Consequently, the contractor failed to disclose the severe condition of the old treetop roof, which had multiple damages on its surface. She received a document claiming that the roof was in good condition, however, it was a fabricated lie by the roofer to help the seller. Unfortunately, she trusted both the seller and the roofing contractor. Now, she has turned to me, hoping for assistance.

Regrettably, I had to agree with the insurance company. The roof was indeed in poor condition, with pre-existing Prairie damage. As a result, the client is now left to foot the bill herself. This situation highlights the importance of always hiring your own roofing contractor to inspect the roof before purchasing a property. By doing so, you can avoid unforeseen expenses down the line, as pursuing legal action against the contractor for damages can be a lengthy and uncertain process…

Flat Roof Performance Maintenance

Roof performance maintenance refers to the regular upkeep and care of a roof to ensure its optimal performance and longevity. It involves inspecting the roof for any damage or signs of wear, cleaning the roof surface, clearing debris from gutters and drains, and making necessary repairs or replacements as needed. Additionally, roof performance maintenance may also include preventive measures such as applying protective coatings or sealants to enhance the roof’s resistance to weather elements. Overall, it is a proactive approach to maintaining the integrity and functionality of a roof.

The frequency of roof performance maintenance depends on various factors such as the type of roofing material, climate conditions, and any specific recommendations from the manufacturer or roofing professional. Generally, it is advisable to conduct roof inspections and maintenance at least twice a year, preferably in the spring and fall seasons. This allows for the identification and addressing of any potential issues before they escalate into more significant problems. However, certain factors like extreme weather events or the presence of nearby trees may require more frequent inspections and maintenance. It is best to consult with a roofing professional to determine the appropriate maintenance schedule for your specific roof.

Cedar Shake Roof

Cedar shake roofs have been around for centuries and remain a popular choice for homeowners today. Their natural beauty and durability make them an excellent investment for any home.

One of the most significant advantages of cedar shake roofs is their resistance to harsh weather conditions. Cedar is known for its ability to withstand extreme temperatures, making it ideal for areas with cold winters and hot summers.

Another benefit of cedar shake roofing is its natural insulation properties. This can help reduce your energy bills by keeping your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Cedar shake roofs are also eco-friendly as they are made from sustainable materials. Unlike traditional asphalt shingles, cedar shake roofs are biodegradable, which means they can be recycled or repurposed rather than ending up in a landfill.

However, cedar shake roofs do require regular maintenance to ensure they last their full lifespan. It’s essential to keep them clean and free from debris, which can trap moisture and lead to rot. Regular inspections are also necessary to catch any damage early on and prevent further issues.

Overall, a cedar shake roof is an excellent investment for any homeowner looking for a durable, eco-friendly, and beautiful roofing option. Just remember, with proper maintenance, your cedar shake roof can last for many years to come.

Clay Tile Roof

Clay tile roofs are a beautiful and durable option for homeowners looking to add a touch of elegance to their home. They have been a popular choice for centuries and continue to be a go-to option for many homeowners today.

One of the biggest advantages of clay tile roofing is its durability. Clay tiles are known for their ability to withstand harsh weather conditions, including extreme heat and cold temperatures.

Another benefit of clay tile roofs is their energy efficiency. Because they are made of natural materials, clay tiles can help regulate your home’s temperature and reduce your energy bills.

Clay tile roofs are also low maintenance and require little upkeep once installed. While they may need occasional cleaning or minor repairs, they generally last for decades without significant issues.

In addition to their durability and energy efficiency, clay tiles are also a visually stunning choice for any home’s exterior. With a range of colors and styles available, homeowners can find the perfect match to complement their home’s architecture and style.

However, clay tile roofs do come with a higher upfront cost than some other roofing options. It’s important to consider the long-term benefits and savings that come with this investment.

Overall, a clay tile roof is an excellent choice for homeowners seeking a long-lasting and visually appealing roofing option. With proper installation and maintenance, your clay tile roof can provide years of protection and beauty for your home.


During the winter, many roofs are affected by ice dams and everybody knows ice dams can cause damage to your roof and gutters. Ice dams could create leaks, damaged attic insulation, roof sheathing, create condensation and mold. So, to prevent major repairs, most people have their roofs inspected in the spring. This way, any problem that arises will be detected early and fixed before big storms and rain could damage the roof and interior even more and cost thousands.

Most companies, just like Iron Guys Roofing offer free inspection, so take advantage of this opportunity and schedule your inspection today!

Are roof inspections necessary?

The short answer is Yes!

Having inspection will help you not only save money, but also prevent future problems, like mold, leaks, and wildlife infestation.

When is the best time to have your roof inspected?

Most people have their roof inspected in the spring, because of the possible damage due to ice dams

during the winter. Ice dams cause damage to your roof by loosening shingles and enable water to get

under and in to your home. This can cause mold and health problems for you and your family. Calling

after severe rain/wind storm is a good idea too and everybody knows you call a roofing inspector before you buy a home or you might have problems insuring an old roof or have to spend additional thousands of dollars on repair or replacement.

What is the cost of roof inspection?

It depends on square footage, damage, accessibility and the kind of inspection your roof needs and

equipment that has to be used for the inspection. Most companies will charge you a substantial fee for a 10 point inspection but here at Iron Guys roofing our 10 point inspections are always free.